About Us
Beau McCranie, Owner & Founder of Custom Warehouse Solutions
Beau McCranie is a graduate of Georgia Tech with over 25 years experience in manufacturing and distribution/warehousing. He has held positions such as industrial engineer, distribution center manager, and industrial engineering consultant for Stanley Tools and Menlo Logistics/Nike, and others. Much of his experience has been designing warehouse layouts. This includes the selection of associated storage equipment, material handling equipment, and warehouse processes. He also has considerable expertise and experience in project implementation and warehouse start-up project management.
Industries Served:
Industries served include hand tools, sporting goods, furniture, auto parts, medical supplies, health and beauty supplies, textiles, apparel, tractor supplies, utilities, sporting goods, printer equipment, and pet products.
Career Highlights
Winner of The Stanley Works Significant Achievement Award for the design and implementation of a paperless bar code WMS (Warehouse Management System)​
Featured in Feb ’95 Industrial Engineering Magazine
Featured speaker for CSCMP and SCAN-TECH
Creator of the Performance Challenge – a management tool to motivate and reward employees as a group for attaining management goals
Author of articles featured in Material Handling Management Annual Directory
Design and Manage Project start-up of a 700,000 sqft D.C.